According to government data, an estimated eight percent of U.S. children have ADHD, and some 50 percent outgrow it. But what happens to those who don’t?
It was only in 1980 that therapists began to recognize that ADHD could persist in adults, and even now, getting an accurate diagnosis is tricky. It is controversial topic that has people taking sides. Some experts think that too many adults (and children) are being medicated for ADHD, often by doctors who have little knowledge or experience with this disorder. Others argue that those adults who have experienced functional impairment could benefit from ADHD medications and behavioral therapy.
Some adults whose ADHD is left untreated can encounter negative consequences including high incidence of substance abuse, automobile accidents, difficulty staying employed and maintaining relationships. Yet, adults with ADHD can also be highly intelligent, energetic, charismatic and creative. Those with ADHD may have the ability to focus intently on a narrow range of topics that interest them.
Many adults with ADHD have developed skills to compensate for their distractibility. Some excel in school at an early age, and don’t run into any problems until college/ grad school or starting at a challenging new job. Suddenly, their coping mechanisms are not as effective anymore.
An excerpt from the Wall Street Journal article:
We see people from all of the professions who have managed to succeed despite the limitations, but they have often done it at significant cost," says Dr. Solanto. "They don't have time to enjoy life. They don't get their work done in the course of a day. They have to stay late after hours, or they are doing without sleep, frantically trying to meet deadlines. It ultimately takes a toll on their wellbeing and a toll on the people around them.
Adult ADHD is tricky to diagnosis and deciding whether to get help for it can be difficult as well. The symptoms that traditionally describe ADHD: restlessness, impatience, procrastination, chronic lateness, and difficulty getting organized, focusing, and finishing tasks are common in busy adults. But how can one tell if it’s just stress, or too much caffeine that is causing their symptoms? What about the stigma and perceptions associated with ADHD? What does it mean to suddenly discover at the age of 40, that you have ADHD?
The key word in determining whether an evaluation should be considered is impairment. As Dr. Jaksa from the article puts it, "Everyone gets distracted. Who's not late occasionally? But if you are chronically late, you lose your job and maybe your friends as well."
Experts say that those who suspect they have ADHD should have a thorough evaluation, with a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in the disorder, looking at how they functioned in early childhood, in school and social settings and personal relationships. Once ADHD is diagnosed, most experts recommend treatment with both medication and behavioral therapy.
Here are some adult ADHD key points:
• Adult ADHD can be comorbid with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression, further complicating diagnosis and treatment.
• For adults diagnosed with the condition, treatment can consist of behavioral therapy, medication, or both.
• People who think they may have ADHD should be evaluated by a psychiatrist who understands the disorder.
A recent study published in the August 25 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), "a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing patterns of thought and behavior that are counterproductive, can help" adults with ADHD. For more information on that study and recent news about Adult ADHD – please visit the following links:
Los Angeles Times (8/24, Healy)
CNN (8/24, Landau)
HealthDay (8/24, Gardner)
Reuters (8/25, Pittman)
WebMD (8/24, Hendrick)